

So the funny thing about a blog is that you need to update it sometimes haha. Well I have not been so good about that. The past few months have been crazy. I give major props to those bloggers that have super busy lives and still keep their blogs updated. We are trying to get our lives back on track, so hopefully I will be able to get better at updating this baby.

Speaking of babies, We are so excited to announce that one of our crazy/busy things going on is that we are expecting baby #2 coming in November. We are beyond excited. T is going to have a little sister and he is still getting used to the idea. The day we found out what we were having, we asked him if he wanted a sister and he said NO as firm as you can. When we asked if he wanted a brother he said Yes in the happiest little voice. When we told him that he would be having a sister, he was a bit sad, but he is warming up to the idea. We are very excited to have a little girl join our family. She is truly a blessing after everything we have gone through with getting pregnant the past two years. (A story for another day.)

I will update more on our lives soon, but I wanted to feel like I at least got something on the blog that was more recent.

Until next time....


Playgroup fun

Some mommy friends and myself have a little playgroup we put together. For February we went to the Hogle Zoo for Free day. It was a lot of fun. A little crowded, but fun all the same. It is nice getting the kids together. It is also nice for the mom's to get together and chat with other adults. All you stay at home moms know that sometimes it gets hard to talk to a little person all day who can't necessarily have a conversation back. Don't get me wrong, I love being home with my little guy, but it is nice to talk to other mom's. We are aiming to do something every month to get together. I wasn't able to attend the March playgroup, but I am hoping to continue having the playgroup!

Anyways, here are some fun pictures from our day at the zoo.

All the mommies and boys

it was impossible to get them all to look at us haha


March Happenings!

So March has a couple big things for us! First off, the Mr. has his birthday. This year we went to dinner at Red Robin (as he chooses every year) and then we enjoyed watching him play some basketball for his Monday night team. It was a simple day, but still a celebration. A few days before his birthday, I threw him a little get together with some of our close friends. I didn't really get good pictures of the night, but here are a few.
Our favorite little B

Cousins! T and D

All three of them wanted to get in on it!
If you can tell, I only got pictures of the kids. Who can blame me though. They are so cute! We had a fun time just chatting and eating. We had a yummy nacho bar and then lots of treats. The Mr. got spoiled with some golf stuff and his favorite treats. It was a good night.

The following weekend we celebrated the Mr.'s birthday with my family. It was a lot of fun. We had burgers and fries and some fun family time. It was a good night.

The other big event we have in March is our Anniversary. This year was a little bit bigger since it was our 5 year. We didn't do a lot, but we did have a fun day and night. The Mr. took off on the Thursday to celebrate our Temple Sealing day. We enjoyed this day with the little man. We went and had a relaxed fun day together with a delicious lunch at Winger's. We then rented some movies and enjoyed the night at home. The next day, we were lucky enough to have my wonderful Aunt keep an eye on "T" so me and the Mr. could enjoy a relaxing day. We went and got massages at Utah Valley Massage Therapy and they are AMAZING! We bought our massage off KSL Deals and it was so worth it. It was the Mr.'s first time getting a massage and my 3rd time. We both got pampered. After our massages, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for some delicious lunch. It was nice cause it was not busy at all and we got to watch some Big 10 basketball. Following lunch we headed up to Traverse Mountain to walk around and look at the stores. We didn't buy anything there, but enjoyed looking. After that we headed downtown to City Creek. We started looking for stuff for us and of course ended up buying all stuff for the little man. (He is pretty loved/spoiled) So after we bought T stuff, we headed over to The Gateway on Trax. Boy is the Gateway different then when I was growing up. I mean I know City Creek has kind of stolen then mall thunder, but boy is Gateway run down. It is actually really sad. Anyways, after we walked around for a little bit, we decided to eat some yummy Tucanos. It was as good as I can remember. I enjoyed every bite of it (and there were a lot of bites haha). Once we were stuffed full, we headed back home. It was nice just going home and relaxing. We watched a few more movies and actually stayed up past 10 o'clock. The next morning we slept in (which doesn't ever happen, but since Grams & Pops were kind enough to watch T overnight, we got to enjoy this). We then headed to Johanna's Kitchen for one AMAZING breakfast. It was so so good. It was such a nice time together and it was nice to celebrate our 5 years. Seriously many thanks to those who took care of our little man so we could enjoy a night with just the two of us. Here are some pictures from the day..

Some of the stuff we got for T

Another fun thing in March was the Clean Air Trax Passes. Trax gave away passes to help people not drive and help with the horrible air quality we have. Well we decided to use our passes for the Front Runner. It was an all day thing, but if you know our little man, you know how much he LOVES Choo Choo's! It was a lot of fun. Here are a bunch of pictures from our adventure of a day.

We have more pictures, but they are all on the Mr.'s phone so these will have to do. It really was a lot of fun. We went all the way to the end of the line, then headed back and got off in Farmington for some shopping and lunch. As we were waiting for the frontrunner to come pick us back up, there was the train going the opposite way that T chased after. He thought it was leaving us and put his hands up and started running towards it saying "Wait Wait Choo Choo, Wait!" It was the cutest thing ever. On the way back home, the little man fell asleep from the long day. Now whenever we go by the station he yells for us to get on the "Choo Choo!" Maybe another day!

As you can tell we had a pretty fun month. This is just some of the bigger highlights, but we also enjoyed birthday parties, play dates, basketball games, family fun, and so much more! We are really blessed with wonderful people in our lives to make all of our fun memories possible. (Now will someone just take us to Disneyland haha)


We love our child

Okay so if you know us well, you know that we love our child. Before I became a mom, I always knew I would love my child, but you don't realize how much you are actually going to love your child until you actually have that child. I was lucky enough to have Tucker for 9 months to myself while he was cooking away which is where I first realized how much I loved this child. Then when he was born, I loved him even more. The Mr. and myself were pillow talking the other night and we were talking about how we love "T" more than anything we ever thought possible besides for each other. Every day I love him more and more, which I couldn't even think would be possible because we love him so much. Well the reason I thought of this post was to be the mom that talks all about her child. So beware that this post will be ALL ABOUT "T."

As I put "T" to bed every night we do the normal night night to everything. The past few nights he has literally been saying night night to everything. He says "Night NIght Choo Choo... Night NIght Toys.... NIght NIght cup... Night Night Woody.... NIght Night Daddy.... Night NIght Mike.... NIght NIght Mommy..." this goes on for about ten minutes or so until he has said night to everything in site and somethings not in site. After we do the night night to everything, "T" then gives kisses to me, the Mr., Mike, Sulley, and then me again. I then start to leave the room and he then says "water" or "Juice." I tell him goodnight and he then says "Toys" "Movie." I proceed to tell him goodnight again. This little thing goes on for a few minutes and then I finally can leave the room. As I leave the room he is silent. Well silent until I close the door and then he starts to gab away to his Mike & Sulley that he sleeps with. He will do this for 45 minutes to an hour. He does this EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. It is the CUTEST thing ever. I love hearing him have his little conversation with his stuffed Mike & Sulley.. I will tell you again, we love our child.

Another thing that puts a smile on our face (and most other peoples faces) is when we are anywhere around people. "T" gets kind of shy, but not shy enough to not say "Hi" to every single person. If the person will not acknowledge his "Hi," he will proceed to continue saying "Hi" until that person says it back. This sometimes may annoy people, but I think it is the cutest thing ever. I mean why wouldn't you say "Hi" to our adorable child.

"T" also loves to "help" clean. Sometimes this can be frustrating to me because I am a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, but then I realize that "T" is just being a nice boy and wanting to help his mommy.. Well since he was a baby I have sang the clean up song to him. (You know, the one from Barney... Clean Up Clean Up, Everybody Everywhere, Clean up Clean up, Everybody do your share.) Well "T" loves to sing this song now. Sometimes when I initially ask him to clean up his stuff he will pretend not to hear me. I then will start singing the clean up song and he thinks it is the best thing ever. He knows the tune to the song and a few of the words so he sings along the best he can. It makes clean up time that much better. The best part of it all is that sometimes he will realize that he has just dumped every single one of his toys on the ground and that he has no more room to play, so he will start singing the tune and will actually put things away. A little boy after his mother's heart.

Well, that is enough "T" stories for tonight, but just as another reminder of how much we love our little guy, I will tell you one more time.... WE LOVE OUR CHILD! Now here are some adorable pictures of him.

This boy LOVES Mickey Mouse

We do have one cute little stud

Valentine's Day Picture

I love the mornings he cuddles with me and plays with daddy's phone

He loves to climb on EVERYTHING


Zoo time

So, T is blessed with an awesome Pop's and Gram's. This month they took the boys to the Zoo. The boys had tons of fun. Here is some of the pictures that were taking of their fun day.

Grams with T and D

A little blury, but the boys checking out the Monkey

Do they look like they are having fun? I think so!

D with Pops

T with Pops

I love these boys and feel lucky to have parents that take the time to spend time with them and make such fun memories!


Sleeping all night, knock on wood...

We finally have a little guy sleeping through the night. Once he got used to not having the bink or bottle at night it just ended up going hand in hand with it. I am knocking on wood, but we are so glad he is sleeping through the night. We haven't had the most consistent sleeping boy. Ever since he was born it has been a roller coaster to get "T" to sleep through the night. He would go through such awesome spurts of sleeping and we would finally start getting used to it and then over night it would change to waking up numerous times at night. I know some of it has to do with growing and with feeding, but it is hard as a parent when you read other blogs or Facebook posts of parents with kids similar to your kids age and they have a little one sleeping all night. it gets a little frustrating. I know you are not supposed to compare to other people, but it is just human nature to do so. Maybe I am the only one who does this, but I have a feeling that lots of parents do the same thing.

I don't know if I mentioned in a prior post, but with "T" being in a toddler bed, it made things a little harder to get him to sleep through the night. When we originally put him in the toddler bed he was still using the binky so he would go right to sleep at night, but yet he would still wake up throughout the night and knock on his door or cry until we went in there. Once we eliminated the binky, it was hard to get him to even lay in bed at night because he knew he could just get up and walk around. Luckily it didn't take "too" long for him to adapt to the binky/bottle being gone, but it still made things hard with being in a toddler bed. I think if we are able to have any more kids, I would try and remove the binky/bottle prior to the toddler bed being introduced just to make it all a little smoother.

Anyiways, we are loving the sleeping all night for all three of us. It makes the Mr. have a more pleasant work day and it makes me a bit more productive during the day. "T" still is on a one nap schedule, but with him sleeping through the night, we are a lot happier and can do a lot more together in the mornings since now he takes a later nap in the day.


Binkies and Bottles

So we are currently in the get rid of binky and bottles phase. "T" has loved both since he was a baby and he is now almost 20 months old and still LOVES them. A little too much. He has been using a sippy cup as his main drink cup, but his night time and occasional morning comfort is his bottle. I didn't realize how hard the getting rid of the bottle would be. I mean it is getting easier, but it has had it's trials. Besides him getting older, we also had an issue with the bottle the other night that prompted us to start this process. The Mr. brought "T" his night bottle and next thing we know he had ripped the bottle nipple out of the bottle and poured it EVERYWHERE! At that point I was ready to be DONE with the bottles. The first night was the hardest by far and it has now been a week since we started this process. On that first night he just screamed at me and the Mr. We would put him down and sing him songs and rub his back and he just was not having it. He just kept yelling for his bottle. It ended up taking an hour to finally get him down to bed, but it was not without its resistance. Every night has been easier, but each night has come with his own challenges. I finally decided yesterday to have "T" throw away his bottles. We did the binkies the day before, but we will come back to that. I had thought he would be too young to understand what he was doing, but he did it and last night actually was a lot easier getting him to bed. We will continue to work on it, but I am not regretting getting rid of the bottles at all.

The binky has been even more of a challenge because he has been very reliant on it. I know it is partially my own fault, but every time he would get upset or yell while we were at church or other events, i would use it as the "Mute" button per-say. He then just wanted it all the time, even when he didn't need it. The other night I went over to my brother and sister-in-laws house for "The Bachelor Wedding" and the Mr. was putting "T" to bed. Normally this would be all fine and dandy, but we had misplaced two of the three binkies we had left and the third was in the car which I had driven. "T" was not happy about this and gave his daddy quite the task of getting him to bed. It took an hour and a half for "T" to FINALLY fall asleep, which happened to be about ten minutes before I got home. After that trial, we decided that we were going to get rid of the Binky. I know I am being quite ambitious to do both at the same time, but I decided that by the end of February I wanted "T" to not have either and decided that the best plan of action was to just do both at once. It has not been easy, but I am seeing it be worth it. "T" has always talked a lot for his age, but now he is talking more to me since he doesn't have something blocking his voice. The day before we threw away the bottles, we threw away his binkies. (Well the ones I have been able to find so far haha.) I had reached out on Facebook about getting rid of the binkies and I heard back some awesome ideas on getting rid of it. Some of the ideas were to put it in a balloon and let him let go of it. There was also the idea of cutting off the tip of the binky and eventually they don't like to suck it anymore. I also heard the cute idea that people would bring in their binkies to "Build-a-Bear" and put it in the bear before they closed it up. The final thought i heard was to do the "Binky Fairy" which was what we ended up doing. I just gave "T" his binkies and he threw them away to the Fairy. I wish I would have done it sooner in the week because he totally got what he was doing and I have found the last few days have been easier without the binky. Thank you Facebook friends for all your wonderful ideas!

So here we are, a week later and "T" is doing better. I know it is still going to be a bit before he is totally over the two, but at least we are on the right path. Next thing to master will be the sleeping through the night, but we will get to that another time!